A knowlege base for a Regenerative Future.
Driving Collective Impact for a Thriving Planet
Climate change is an urgent challenge that requires global collaboration. Yet, it is only one of a set of crises that we face. These crises are born from economic systems of extraction and exploitation of our natural world.
Our mission is to help solve this polycrisis by enabling a new, regenerative system that has cascading benefits to human planetary well-being. The GSA is a coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to creating a digital knowledge & collaboration platform that revolutionizes planetary solutions at scale.

Driving Collective Impact for a Thriving Planet
The Global Solutions Alliance (GSA) is an international nonprofit organization composed of individual and organizational stakeholders aligned around a commitment to collective impact and creating holistic models to inspire and inform action.
We collaboratively develop comprehensive, scientific data-driven tools for use by policy makers, investors, NGOs and other on-the-ground decision-makers. These change agents will be able to accelerate their work to solve global warming, achieve our global sustainability goals, and create a regenerative economy and society in mutually beneficial relationships with the natural environment.
Collective Impact
Recognizing that true progress requires cooperation, not competition, the GSA cultivates an evolving network of partners dedicated to co-creating regenerative economic and social systems.
Solutions-Driven Knowledge
The GSA's Solutions Collaboratory is an open, independent digital commons housing the best available data, research, and tools to support global change agents in driving real-world impact.
Empowered Solutionists
By spreading actionable knowledge and innovation to the fingertips of on-the-ground implementers, the Collaboratory fuels a worldwide movement of passionate problem-solvers.
Striving for a Regenerative Future
A regenerative system is comprised of interconnected social, economic, and natural systems that exists to ensure life - in all its forms - thrive in abundance. It is a system that automatically centers the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants at the heart of every decision we make.
The GSA aims to educate and empower current and future leaders to implement existing solutions readily across sectors that can create regenerative systems at local and bioregional scales. We enable the enhancement and application of systemic, science-driven solutions in different relevant biophysical and socioeconomic contexts by providing knowledge and learnings of solution implemention at the fingertips of local, regional, and global change makers. They are the ones implementing solutions to the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, poverty and hunger, gender inequality, poor health and well-being, and environmentally-destructive economic growth.
Our Projects
The Solutions Collaboratory
The Solutions Collaboratory is a digital platform designed to advance a regenerative economy benefiting the planet and humanity.
It is designed with a multi-stakeholder, commons-based approach to knowledge and data sharing, code development, peer-to-peer collaboration, and end-user communications.
Currently, change makers in policy, business, financial, and within communities lack timely access to critical insights regarding the best climate solutions, and so are unable to adopt the policies needed in a timely manner.
We envision The Collaboratory to be one of the premier collaboration centers and knowledge bases for the Regenerative World.
The Collaboratory will be an open-source hub accessible to anyone. Open source will harness the power of collective intelligence to accelerate the transition to a regenerative economy.
Through intentional co-design and co-governance within the GSA, we're elevating the voices and needs of diverse stakeholders. This will empower a wide range of stakeholders to collaborate and catalyze change.
This initiative is built on a culture of working together to innovate. By involving different groups, engaging openly with the community, and considering local, regional, and global perspectives, we are creating the foundation for stronger cooperation. This will help us shape a more regenerative and fair future for our planet.
Project Peoples
Heartbeat of Hope
Project Peoples is a groundbreaking initiative that researches, communicates and empowers the implementation of Indigenous solutions to address the global climate crisis. Rooted in the wisdom and practices of Indigenous communities around the world, our work seeks to bridge the gap between local ways of knowing and modern scientific approaches.
Through deep collaboration and knowledge sharing, we are co-creating innovative, culturally-relevant climate solutions that honor the inherent rights and leadership of Indigenous Peoples. From restoring degraded ecosystems to developing renewable energy systems, our work spans a range of critical focus areas.